Oil Well Drilling Logo

Oil Well Drilling review

4 / 5


Rollic Games

Latest Version:




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Oil Well Drilling

At first glance, Oil Well Drilling may not seem like the kind of game to attract adrenaline junkies or those looking for a high-stakes adventure. However, within this seemingly minimalistic simulation game lies a deep strategic experience. From my understanding, there isn't a historical tale linked directly to the game’s inception, but the thematic elements can be traced back to the oil expeditions of old, showcasing the economic booms and the fierce competition that ensued.

Plot and Purpose Beneath the Surface

Players of Oil Well Drilling step into the boots of an oil magnate in the making. The game thrusts you into the world of drilling with a straightforward objective—to locate and extract the black gold beneath the earth’s crust, turning it into towering profits. This thrust towards prosperity lies at the game’s core.

Building Your Oil Empire: Gameplay Mechanics

As a simulation game weighted with strategy elements, Oil Well Drilling offers nuanced gameplay. Players are tasked with managing the logistical and financial aspects of their oil wells. This involves surveying land, drilling at the optimal spots, managing oil flows, and selling the oil at the market’s peak prices.

In Control of the Rig: The Game's Control System

The game provides a set of intuitive controls that make it simple for players to maneuver through various menus and in-game options. The touch and tap mechanics feel responsive, and there's a satisfying sense of tactility when 'drilling' into the earth, a clever touch that aids in the immersion.

Striking a Balance: The Game's Difficulty

Oil Well Drilling finds a comfortable middle ground between being too easy and punishingly hard. The early stages serve as an excellent tutorial, easing you into the complexities of the business. As the game progresses, the difficulty naturally increases, challenging the player to make more informed and strategic decisions to maintain profitability.

Visual and Aesthetic Appeal of the Oil Fields

The game’s aesthetics follow a minimalist doctrine. Simple, clean lines and a somewhat muted color palette all correspond to the industry it depicts. While it won't win any awards for graphical prowess, it's clear the developers emphasized clarity and functionality, which serves the game well.

Animate the Inanimate: A Closer Look at Animation and Design

The animation work within Oil Well Drilling is subtle but effective. The churn of the drills and the flow of the oil have been animated with pleasing attention to detail. However, the game does not invest much in character design, as the focus remains firmly on the oil drilling process and the management thereof.

Score of the Underground: Sound Effects and Ambience

The sound effects in Oil Well Drilling are functional and meaningful—they inform the player of different statuses and successes within the game. The sounds of the machinery in operation, the chime of hitting a profitable oil patch, and the satisfying ka-ching of selling oil all serve a purpose and do so effectively.

The Melodies of the Market: Game Music

The background music in Oil Well Drilling is understated yet fitting. It often carries a tempo that subliminally encourages strategic thinking and patience, which is exactly what is needed for a game in this genre.

A Tale of Riches: Plot and Character Prognosis

Oil Well Drilling doesn't delve into a deep narrative—there are no characters or plot twists. The focus remains solely on the process of oil drilling and business management. While this may scare away those who are looking for a story-driven game, it ensures a concentrated and engaging experience for strategy buffs.

Integrating Strategy with Story: Impact of Narrative

As for the narrative's impact, it's fair to say Oil Well Drilling is not a game that depends on its story to drive the gameplay. The player’s journey of building an oil empire from scratch is a compelling enough plot to keep the gears turning.

Features for Friends: Multiplayer Elements

Regrettably, Oil Well Drilling does not boast any multiplayer features. The game is a solitary affair, but considering its nature, this isn't necessarily a shortcoming. The challenge here is personal progress and success in the virtual oil market.

A Marathon of Mining: Game Length and Extras

The game doesn’t end quickly, as the mechanics are designed to foster long-term engagement. Although there aren't exactly "side quests," the continuous improvement and expansion of your operations serve as an ever-present side objective to the primary goal of maximizing profits.

The Riches of the Rig: In-game Rewards

Rewards come principally in the form of currency to enhance your drilling operations. Achievements and milestones are also sprinkled throughout, serving as additional incentives for the player to keep expanding their drilling enterprise.

Platform Performance: Running Smooth or Gushing Problems?

During my gameplay, I experienced no significant performance issues. Oil Well Drilling runs smoothly on the intended platforms, maintaining a steady frame rate even as the on-screen activities become busier with the player's progress.

Encountering the Unexpected: Bugs and Glitches

My experience with Oil Well Drilling has been predominantly seamless, with no game-breaking bugs encountered. The developers appear to have drilled down to ensure a polished product reached the market.

A Panoramic View of Performance: Strengths and Shortcomings


- Intuitive and tactile control scheme
- Gradual difficulty curve optimal for strategic learning
- Minimalist design focusing on gameplay functionality
- Satisfying gameplay loop based on management and growth.


- Lack of a narrative or characters may deter some players
- The simplistic design might not appeal to those seeking stunning visuals
- Absence of multiplayer or social features.

Fueling the Fun Factor: Overall Rating and Recommendations

After immersing myself in the subterranean world of "Oil Well Drilling," I find the game to be a well-crafted simulation of oil extraction and management suited for strategists and simulation enthusiasts. Its judicious blend of straightforward gameplay with complex strategic depths warrants a commendable 4 out of 5 stars.

The Ideal Tycoon: Target Audience

This game will undoubtedly appeal to those who relish systematic progress and who find satisfaction in the detailed workings of industrial simulations. Resource management fans and strategy-focused gamers will strike oil with this title.

Drilling Comparisons: The Market at Large

When juxtaposed with the wider market of simulation games, Oil Well Drilling holds its own with an idiosyncratic focus on an industry not often explored in games. While it may not have the eclecticism of "Cities: Skylines" or the quirky narratives of "Stardew Valley,” its specialized domain is both its niche and its charm, standing as a testament to the diverse offerings within the simulation genre.

Oil Well Drilling

4 / 5

Oil Well Drilling Logo
Author: Rollic Games
Latest Version: 3.2.1
Size: 49M

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.