Mobile Device Threats Surge Threefold: Key Insights from Lookout's Latest Report

Emily Johnson


Mobile Device Threats Surge Threefold: Key Insights from Lookout's Latest Report

In the current dynamic digital landscape, protecting mobile devices is more critical than ever. Lookout's recent report reveals a significant rise in mobile threats. The detailed Lookout Mobile Threat Landscape Report, based on data from over 220 million devices and 325 million apps, shows that mobile threats have surged threefold in the past year. This dramatic increase includes various threats such as phishing, malicious software, and offensive links targeting mobile devices, highlighting the need for increased awareness and security measures among individuals and organizations.

Data Analysis

The Lookout Mobile Threat Landscape Report offers a detailed analysis based on data from the Lookout Security Cloud. This cloud-based service examines data from over 220 million devices and 325 million apps, along with billions of web items. By analyzing this extensive data, Lookout identifies trends and emerging threats in the mobile security arena. The report presents several key findings that highlight the growing risks associated with mobile device usage.

Outdated Software: A Major Risk

One alarming discovery in the report is that over 20 percent of iOS users are still using outdated versions of the operating system. This leaves their devices and personal data vulnerable to security breaches. Keeping devices updated with the latest software is essential to reduce security risks. However, the report indicates that a significant number of users neglect this simple yet crucial practice.

The report also points out the most common device misconfigurations across all devices. These include outdated OS versions (37.7 percent), no device lock (14.2 percent), outdated Android Security Patch Levels (ASPL) (13.6 percent), and non-app store signer (2.2 percent). Each of these misconfigurations poses a unique risk, making it easier for attackers to compromise mobile devices.

Frequent Mobile App Vulnerabilities

The report also highlights the top ten most common mobile app vulnerabilities encountered by users in the first quarter of 2024. Notably, all these vulnerabilities are found in components of mobile browsers. Attackers exploit these vulnerabilities by creating maliciously crafted web pages, accessed via links. Since most mobile devices use popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge, it is crucial for users to keep their browsers updated to patched versions.

David Richardson, vice president of endpoint and threat intelligence at Lookout, stresses the importance of addressing these vulnerabilities. He states, "Reflecting on the first quarter of 2024, this report encapsulates our discoveries, affirming that mobile threats have shifted from the sidelines to the forefront of contemporary cybersecurity strategies. Organizations must be equipped to respond swiftly to meet the rapid nature of today's threats. In navigating this landscape, Lookout is unrivaled in understanding the nuances of mobile security and how mobile attacks lead to organizations being compromised."

Insights from CISOs and Cybersecurity Leaders

To better understand the impact of mobile threats on organizations, Lookout conducted a survey in April among 250 US-based CISOs and cybersecurity leaders. The survey results reveal a high level of concern regarding mobile security. An overwhelming 97 percent of respondents believe that malicious mobile apps or extensive mobile app permissions pose a threat to their organization and could lead to the leakage of sensitive data.

The survey also shows that in the last six months, three-quarters of organizations experienced mobile phishing attempts aimed at their employees. This highlights the pervasive nature of phishing attacks and the critical need for robust security measures to defend against these threats.

The Need for Vigilance and Preparedness

The Lookout Mobile Threat Landscape Report, along with feedback from CISOs and cybersecurity experts, underscores a crucial trend: mobile threats are on the rise, necessitating organizations to be ready to respond swiftly and effectively. The increase in phishing attempts, malicious content, and offensive links sent to mobile devices calls for a proactive approach to mobile security.

Organizations should prioritize regularly updating their devices and software, enforcing strong security settings, and training employees on the potential risks associated with mobile device usage. By implementing these measures, organizations can reduce their exposure to mobile threats and protect their sensitive information from potential breaches.


The Lookout Mobile Threat Landscape Report highlights a significant surge in threats targeting mobile devices over the last year. This increase in phishing attacks, malicious links, and inappropriate content emphasizes the importance of vigilance and proactive measures in mobile security for both individuals and organizations. Essential steps to reduce risks include regularly updating devices, addressing common configuration errors, and staying aware of new threats. As the digital environment evolves, so too must our strategies for safeguarding mobile devices and the sensitive data they contain.
