Elden Ring Owes Its Uniqueness to Dark Souls 2, Reveals Miyazaki

Emily Johnson


Elden Ring Owes Its Uniqueness to Dark Souls 2, Reveals Miyazaki

In a revealing insight into the creative process behind Elden Ring, FromSoftware's president, Hidetaka Miyazaki, shed light on how integral Dark Souls 2 was to the development of their latest title. Despite Elden Ring's critical acclaim and distinct identity, it shares a foundational legacy with its predecessor, illustrating the intricate lineage of FromSoftware's titles.

Elden Ring hailed for its expansive open world and intricate lore, might seem a departure from the more constrained settings of previous Dark Souls games. Yet, Miyazaki emphasizes that the essence of Elden Ring is deeply tied to the conceptual and design philosophies explored in Dark Souls 2. He asserts that the game's unique blend of freedom, exploration, and narrative depth owes much to the lessons learned and innovations introduced in that earlier installment.

Miyazaki's acknowledgment of Dark Souls 2 challenges the narrative that it is the black sheep of the series. He highlights how its ambitious design choices and thematic exploration set a precedent for subsequent projects. Notably, Dark Souls 2's approach to world-building, with its diverse environments and nonlinear storytelling, paved the way for Elden Ring's vast, seamless realm where players experience a sense of discovery and wonderment.

Moreover, the development hurdles faced during Dark Souls 2, including its leadership changes and bold design decisions, served as valuable lessons for Miyazaki and his team. These challenges fostered a culture of innovation and adaptability within FromSoftware, which Miyazaki credits as instrumental in the creation of the Elden Ring. The game's success, he suggests, is not only a testament to the studio's creative vision but also to its resilience and growth through adversity.

Miyazaki's reflections provide a deeper understanding of Elden Ring's origins and its connection to Dark Souls 2. By acknowledging the significance of the series' most controversial entry, he sheds light on the evolutionary process of game development and the importance of embracing risk and innovation. As players continue to delve into Elden Ring's mysteries and marvel at its world, they are, in many ways, exploring a landscape shaped by the legacy of Dark Souls 2.
