Why the Sequel to Hogwarts Legacy Should Venture Beyond Hogwarts

Michael Smith


Why the Sequel to Hogwarts Legacy Should Venture Beyond Hogwarts

As fans eagerly anticipate the next installment in the Hogwarts Legacy series and the expansive Harry Potter universe, it's evident that the sequel must explore realms beyond its legendary school. What started as a straightforward tale of The Boy Who Lived has grown into a world teeming with students, dark wizards, magical creatures, and extraordinary escapades. As the future of the Wizarding World is now crafted by its passionate fanbase, one must ponder—should Hogwarts Legacy 2 revisit Hogwarts? After all, legacies are meant to expand and evolve.

Inspired by J.K. Rowling's beloved books and the films that brought them to life, Hogwarts Legacy is an action-adventure RPG that delves into the mysterious history of the Wizarding school. Set during a Goblin rebellion, players navigate Hogwarts' halls, forge friendships, battle foes, attend classes, and embark on their own journey a century before Harry Potter's tale begins. With multiple awards and the honor of being the best-selling game of 2023, a sequel is almost a certainty. Fans are left wondering what new adventures Portkey Games will bring in Hogwarts Legacy 2.

The Need for Hogwarts Legacy to Extend Beyond Hogwarts

boys game screen

Since the first Harry Potter game adaptation of Sorcerer's Stone in 2001, Hogwarts has been the central setting of many stories.

Despite other notable locations like Diagon Alley, the Ministry of Magic, and Newt Scamander's enchanted suitcase, Hogwarts remains the most iconic locale in Harry Potter lore. Given its prominence in the original books, theme parks, and numerous video games, it was a logical choice for Hogwarts Legacy’s setting.

However, constantly relying on Hogwarts has become a storytelling crutch. The more the series focuses on the school, the harder it is to break free from its shadow. As an open-world game, players crave the exploration of new horizons. While Hogwarts Legacy boasts an impressive map filled with quests and hidden treasures, it begs the question: do fans want to revisit the same grounds?

Having roamed Hogwarts' corridors countless times, the map is as familiar to players as the lines on their palms. They know the classrooms, common rooms, and other landmarks that will be pivotal in Harry Potter’s future adventures. Though Hogwarts is steeped in over a millennium of history, secret rooms, and lore, players have been exploring it since 2001.

Whether in Hogwarts Legacy or countless other related games, mobile apps, and Wizarding World experiences, the question persists: how often can players return to Hogwarts before its magic fades? While there are still stories to uncover, confining the games to Hogwarts and Hogsmeade makes the vast Wizarding World feel limited.

The Allure of New Magical Settings

Hogwarts Legacy man and woman

The Fantastic Beasts series, loosely based on the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, offered a fresh perspective within the Wizarding World. By focusing on magical creatures and setting the first film in New York, it provided a refreshing break from Hogwarts. New antagonists like the New Salem Philanthropic Society introduced new elements after Voldemort’s defeat.

Despite the diminishing quality of subsequent films, the best parts of Fantastic Beasts were those that explored new magical locations, cultures, and distanced themselves from Harry Potter’s legacy. Fantastic Beasts understood that Hogwarts couldn’t be the permanent setting forever.

There’s a whole world beyond Hogwarts that fans are eager to explore, a world hinted at in Pottermore, Quidditch Through the Ages, and the Fantastic Beasts series. While Hogwarts Legacy fulfilled the desire for a traditional setting, it's now time to chart new territories.

Ilvermorny: The Ideal Setting for Hogwarts Legacy 2


Reflecting on Ilvermorny and Salazar Slytherin’s legacy, J.K. Rowling once said, "The very best of him seemed to have migrated to America."

Numerous captivating and exotic locations could serve as the next game's setting, but among the 11 major Wizarding schools globally confirmed by J.K. Rowling, the American Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry stands out. Introduced on Pottermore in 2016 prior to the Fantastic Beasts film, Ilvermorny’s rich history and unique lore shed light on the American Wizarding World.

By setting the sequel at Ilvermorny, the game can explore diverse aspects of magical culture, offering players fresh perspectives and new adventures. This approach not only honors the name Hogwarts Legacy but also imbues it with new meaning.

Ilvermorny, despite its American roots, shares a compelling history with Hogwarts. Founded by witch Isolt Sayre, a descendant of Hogwarts founder Salazar Slytherin and thus related to Voldemort, Ilvermorny has deep ties to the original school. Sayre, who never attended Hogwarts due to her aunt's prejudices, established the first Wizarding school in the New World, inspired by tales of Hogwarts.

After safeguarding Ilvermorny from her malevolent aunt and burying Slytherin’s legendary wand beneath it, a magical tree grew over the relic’s resting place. With its strong connections to Hogwarts and the novelty of exploring its influence on the American Wizarding community, Ilvermorny offers an ideal continuation of the previous game, rich with new adventures and lore.

While Ilvermorny has been referenced on Pottermore, it has yet to be the setting for an adventure. With a general idea of its traditions and an extensive backstory, there is ample material to explore in its nearly 400-year history. While Fantastic Beasts introduced fascinating elements like MACUSA, the New Salem Philanthropic Society, and the Scourer mercenaries, these elements were underutilized in the films.

Following the Goblin conflicts and familiar Harry Potter themes in Hogwarts Legacy, there’s a rich narrative potential in these underexplored villains. Moreover, America’s unique school curriculum and traditions, influenced by Sayre, indigenous peoples, and local Pukwudgie communities, could provide the cultural exploration needed to set the game apart while retaining the first installment’s charm and mechanics.

Exploring the Broader Wizarding World

Hogwarts Legacy game castel

The game Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup featured Wizarding World locations including America, Japan, and Australia.

Hogwarts Legacy has already mentioned schools like Uagadou and Mahoutokoro, which highlights a broader issue: Harry Potter’s lore is filled with incredible settings that remain largely unexplored. As an adventure game, Hogwarts Legacy allowed players to delve into the Wizarding World like never before, immersing them in its magical history.

The next logical step for the series is to transport players to new lands and tell stories the Harry Potter series couldn’t, bringing previously mentioned places to life. This approach enhances the mythology and keeps the franchise fresh and exciting for both new and longtime fans.

While Harry Potter’s story has concluded, Hogwarts Legacy enabled players to create their own narratives. But just as every student must eventually leave home to explore the wider world, players should be encouraged to venture into new magical realms and face new challenges.

The Harry Potter series teaches us that it’s sometimes necessary to seek out new places with courage, loyalty, ambition, and wisdom. Yet, when those journeys end and new chapters begin, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome fans back.
