Breaking Down the Best Combat Moves in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Michael Smith


Breaking Down the Best Combat Moves in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

In the unforgiving world of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice," mastering the art of combat is not just an option—it's a necessity. From the perilous heights of Ashina Castle to the haunting depths of the Senpou Temple, every encounter demands precision, skill, and a deep understanding of your arsenal. This guide breaks down the most effective combat moves to help you become the ultimate shinobi warrior.

Mikiri Counter

Arguably the most iconic and crucial move in Sekiro's repertoire, the Mikiri Counter allows you to turn an enemy's thrust attack into an opportunity for a devastating counterattack. Perfect timing is essential to pull off this move, but when executed correctly, it can be a total game-changer, especially against spear-wielding foes.

Ichimonji Double

The Ichimonji Double is a powerful overhead strike that not only deals significant posture damage to enemies but also recovers your own posture. This skill is invaluable when facing opponents that rely heavily on posture-breaking attacks, giving you the upper hand in prolonged battles.

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice game

High Monk Kick

Swift and deadly, the High Monk Kick is a counter move designed to punish sweep attacks. Utilizing this combat art when an enemy attempts a sweep will leap you over the attack and deliver a series of rapid blows, making it a perfect blend of defense and offense.


The Shadowrush technique is a long-range thrust that pierces through defenses and can catch enemies off guard. Its versatility allows you to close distances quickly or retreat while delivering harmful strikes, providing flexibility in various combat scenarios.

Mortal Draw

A move that channels the power of the Mortal Blade, the Mortal Draw can be used even without unsheathing the mythical weapon fully. This skill cuts through any defense, dealing massive damage to both health and posture, making it particularly effective against late-game bosses.

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice video game


As a Shinobi Prosthetic Tool, the Firecracker can temporarily stun enemies, opening them up for attacks. Its quick activation time and the disorienting effect on foes make it a must-have tool in any shinobi's arsenal, especially when facing groups or beast-type enemies.

Loaded Umbrella

The Loaded Umbrella is not just for defense. It can also be used offensively, especially with the Projected Force skill. After absorbing an attack, the umbrella can unleash a powerful counter-strike, making it a versatile tool in both offense and defense.

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Whirlwind Slash

For dealing with multiple adversaries, the Whirlwind Slash is your go-to combat art. This spinning attack deals damage in a wide arc, hitting several enemies at once and providing you with room to breathe when overwhelmed.

Emma's Medicine: Potency

A passive skill that significantly enhances the healing effects of your healing gourd. In a game where every hit can be fatal, maximizing your healing efficiency is crucial for survival, making Emma's Medicine skills invaluable for enduring through tough encounters.

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Breath of Life: Light

Defeating enemies with deathblows not only provides a satisfying conclusion to a fight but also restores a portion of your health thanks to this skill. Aligning your combat strategy to utilize deathblows effectively can ensure your survival in the hostile world of Sekiro.

Suppress Presence

Stealth is a significant component of Sekiro's gameplay, and the Suppress Presence skill is vital for minimizing enemy detection. Increasing your ability to move undetected opens up opportunities for stealth kills or avoiding confrontations altogether.

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

Grappling Hook Attack

The Grappling Hook isn't just for mobility; it also serves as a unique way to initiate or re-engage in combat. Launching yourself towards an enemy and following up with a powerful attack from the air can provide an unpredictable angle that many foes aren't prepared for.


Understanding and mastering these combat moves in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice will significantly enhance your efficiency and effectiveness in battle. Keep in mind, the ninja's journey is challenging, yet through consistent effort and determination, you can surmount all obstacles you face. Embrace these techniques, and you'll find yourself standing victorious amidst the chaos of war.
